Global Team
Aira Guevara, BSMC, LMT, E-RYT
Aira is a certified Hatha Yoga teacher with a special interest in integrating the healing power of Aromatherapy, Yoga and special energy coherence exercises to counteract stress, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. Using her skills as a research journalist and editor she has dedicated more than a decade to study the effects, and benefits of this synergy and, as a result, created the Yofloreo® method in 2013, which she offers in workshops and training sessions in the United States, and other countries. Aira studied for 11 years under man of knowledge Juan Leal’s mentorship, who trained her in “Dynamic Synchronicity,” a body of work that shares many of the ancient lineages of Dr. Liana Mattulich’s system.
A massage therapist from Educating Hands School of Massage (Miami, 2012), she is certified as an Aromatherapy Practitioner at Escuela de Aromaterapia Espiritual Integral (Monterrey, Mexico, 2012), has gained her Yoga Siromani from the Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy (Bahamas, 2010) and obtained her Bachelor of Science in Communication from Universidad Central de Venezuela (1994). She is a Therapeutic Astrology student and loves hiking in the woods and photographing Nature.
Ahalia Quintero
Ahalia Quintero questioned from a very early age the purpose of her existence on Earth. This lead her to study different inner disciplines since very young. She met Dr. Liana Mattulich and man of knowledge Juan Leal who trained her to teach special exercises for evolution and self-regulation.
Ann Hambleton
Ann Hambleton is nationally certified as an East Asian medical practitioner in acupuncture and Chinese Herbology. Her studies have continued in Japanese Five Element Acupuncture. She held a practice in Colorado for many years until moving to Northeast Washington State. Here she and her husband currently have a sustainable farm using permaculture and biodynamic methods to grow edible plants and medicinal herbs. She holds degrees in Anthropology and Biology and has studied with Liana Mattulich for over 10 years.
Carol Fisher
Carol Fisher is a certified yoga instructor and certified Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery instructor with an education in science and a background of working with Dr. Liana Mattulich at Inner Key in the fields of Biofeedback/Neurofeedback with a strong focus on personal evolution, happiness and fulfillment. For the past 12 years Carol has been working exclusively with people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Using yoga, Tai Chi, QiGong, massage and many other types of movement, coupled with meditation, awareness techniques and techniques learned through inner key to assist people in coming home to themselves. A select group of people have been successful in pushing back against the progression of Parkinson’s disease as well as returning to their pristine essence.
Deyba Fajardo
I am a Licensed acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese medicine practitioner for over 21 years. I was introduced by Dr. Liana Mattulich to Bio and Nero-feedback in my first year of College. These techniques completely changed my life, not only professionally but personally. My passion has always been the human body, its blueprint and its perfection to sustain and embody the beautiful essence of who we truly are. Empowering and reconnecting with our healing power is our divine right. My training in Traditional Chinese Medicine has given me the joy to incorporate my mission into my work. This ancient medicine is based in the energetic meridians physically present in every body where the QI, or life energy flows. If this flow is impaired, the body most frequently will start manifesting symptoms and disease. Maintaining the free flow of this Qi or life force is essential to our health in all its aspects, physical, emotional and energetic. In February 2020, after 2 years in training, I received my certification in Craniosacral Therapy which has been an amazing adjunctive therapy to my practice, and my own and my clients’ healing process.
Eugene Cordova, AOS, LMT
Eugene Cordova has been in the healing arts since 2004 when he graduated with an Associate of Art Occupational Study degree in Massage Therapy, with certifications in Oncology and Lymphatic massage. In his native Colorado where he grew up beside a “14er” (one of the more than 14,000 feet in height Rocky Mountains peaks), Eugene became a natural student of life. He received the teachings of his first mentor, Joyce Henry, in the San Luis Valley, and this ignited him to start travelling. He also proudly served his country in the Marine Corps. He spent time in Costa Rica, Hawaii, Thailand, and as he journeyed the Orient for several years, he deepened his learning in the “human condition.” Back in California and then Colorado, Eugene discovered Neurofeedback, thanks to Dr. Liana Mattulich, and his life took a shift as he dedicated to learning and knowing that by teaching people how to self-regulate their physiology, they become capable of choosing to be free of obstacles and dependencies. He assists individuals in developing their own Art of Self-Evolution using Neurofeedback. In love with his two daughters and their four children, “Gene” also enjoys blindfold archery, and Nature.
Kevin Klee
Kevin Klee has a business degree in finance. He has worked as a financial advisor and public accountant for over 30 years. He has studied with Liana Mattulich for over 10 years and has taught beginning classes. Recently he has assisted HIKE4evolution in assembling and writing materials for HIKE4evolution biofeedback equipment. Currently he works with his wife sustainably farming in north eastern Washington and enjoys educating visitors to the farm in biodynamics; plants being grown and gardening methods being used. He practices yoga and is an avid athlete who enjoys many outdoor sports.
Vielka A. Delgado, MPH, BSB
From an early age Vielka had a restless curiosity for the meaning and purpose of life. She graduated as a Biologist in 1975 in the University of Panama and, as she enjoyed teaching, she became a Specialist in Higher Teaching in 1982, continuing her career as a professor in Medical Technology, Zoology, Biology, Microbiology, Human Anatomy and Physiology at the University of Panama, School of Biology. In harmony with her conviction about the importance of sustaining a healthy life, she completed a Master Degree in Public Health in 1989.
When she moved to USA in 1989, her life crossed roads with Dr. Liana Mattulich in 1990. She introduced Vielka to self-regulation studies and the importance of its methodology in human evolution. She taught Biology at Miami-Dade County Public School, and got a certification in General Biofeedback and Neurofeedback by the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA), and one in Clinical Hypnosis by the University of Miami. She turned into a HIKE4evolution instructor (known before as Inner Key) in 1992, working with national and international students. In 1990 she also met a special master, Juan Leal, who introduced her to special body exercises and movement that help to development Bio-Psycho-Energetic balance. These were later added to her current practice. Vielka enjoys being in nature, happy moments with family friends and kids, traveling, singing, dancing, painting, and leather crafting.