Breathwork is a powerful process of healing and transformation. It deeply supports the clearing away of old energies, patterns, conditioning, negative thoughts and emotions and opens the doors wide for new life and greater consciousness. Most of us don’t breathe fully, we hold back the breath and have been doing so most of our lives. When we start to breathe fully and consciously we are easily able to release what we have been holding and open to an incredible expansion of consciousness, including greater forgiveness and self-love. This inner change brings about shifts in our outer lives for the better.
The video was recorded during a live class at the Jefferson County Public Library in Golden Colorado in September 2022. The video gets started about 2 mins into the talk. Have a tiny bit of patience – within a few minutes breathwork strategies will be described, demonstrated and practiced. Come on along for a breathwork journey. Learn several strategies for mastering stress and feeling really great.