Some people are born with Synesthesia, which is like a physiological wiring of the nervous system that allows the senses to make internal connections between all the sensory areas of the brain. Synesthesia means that there is a crossover between some senses, usually two or more, which allows something to be perceived beyond the common one-way perception.
Synesthesia is explained here as a physiological pattern that remarkable people, such as artists, musicians, etc., have used successfully in their lives. However, the new neuronal pathways developed by HIKE4Evolution training allow the multiple sense perceptions to happen in synchronicity, which is like Synesthesia or is maybe something beyond it. HIKE4Evolution calls it ‘Synesthetic Sensory Integration,’ or SSI. For example, “synesthetic” ability, or a “synesthetic” approach, is here described as the capacity for using all our senses, simultaneously, to evoke something that transcends the physical and sensory boundaries.
It is this higher, integrative function of the senses that is capable of interfacing with the physical body, and it is that informational interface which really works! It is by combining thoughts and sensory perceptions simultaneously that we can access the inner nature of healthy dynamic balance of better quality of life. Also, it is important to understand that energies change their proportions in this inner work, and these changes may affect actual synesthetic sensory information (example: the colors used as personal Inner Keys may change).
Our senses work best in proportion to one another—not with anyone dominating the others (sight versus smell, etc.). In synesthesia research, for example, there are cases in which people of some cultures experience it as distracting and annoying because having to deal with the colors of the alphabet inhibits their ‘linear focus’ on the letters themselves, creating a need for a dominant sense. If the experiences are understood in the context of enrichment, open perceptions would most likely be experienced differently and refresh the opportunities.
Using all the senses is an interrelated journey that enhances the internal connections in and among different areas of the brain-body. Perceiving the taste of a color, the sound of a texture, the aroma of music—all these are synesthetic physiological links. They also help the reception of more subtle messages. This is one of the important tools of HIKE4Evolution, which requires development of a habit of sensory awareness. This process of enhancing synesthetic perception is stimulated by feelings of joy. It is the inner sense of joy and awe that induces and improves the healthy balance in the production of neurotransmitters / neuronal modulators. One needs to seek positive memories, such as a nature path, full of beauty, to enliven these metabolic changes. Additionally, utilization of a place of safety (as the practice of safe place) allows for the growth of healthy chemistry, such as soft, warm self-acceptance.
The acronym that is used to easily remember the interconnection of the senses is CATSK (Color, Aroma, Taste, Sound, Kinesthetic perceptions), which also easily shows the order of brain areas involved; back to front to back by Color – Aroma; up to down to up by Taste – Texture; left to right to left by Sounds; morphologic field is starting to be perceived by Kinesthesic data.
Analogies and metaphors are used to release past experiences and frames of perceptions which obstruct the expression of pristine psycho-immune programming in the genetic code.
This “inner nature” is pristine in all human life and is the design of our health, efficiency, and joy. We are born with it intact. However, life experiences can make us step back from that original reality and transform our daily living in unhealthy ways of suffering.
Scientific information plus analogies and metaphors help the physiology change. HIKE4evolution uses skin temperature, heart rate, respiration rhythm, electrodermal response, and brainwave activity—body-mind activities which people can learn to observe and self-regulate in a short time with practice.
When we become aware of the personal cues or signs, which the work of transformation shows, and we are capable to call at will those signs, (i.e. ask in stress situations to increase thermal temperature in the fingers) we are owner of our inner keys.
HIKE4evolution includes a fundamental idea that allows all the other aspects of the inner work to balance the psycho – physiology, in harmony within the “dimensional realms” that we are. This idea easily transforms our highest potentials in daily reality through self-regulation.
That idea is called the ‘Axis’, a commonsense approach; however, creative words alone are not the same as taking the steps of innovation, action and power.
The Axis is an analogy for our Essence: it must be felt, incorporated, and embodied.
We build the perception of our Axis with an intention to maintain the intertwining between the body-minds-energies-dimensions in a state of Awareness.
Science recognizes that the information sent by neurons (and other nervous system cells) is an electric current that can be registered as brainwave neurofeedback. When people think of how to represent electricity in analogies, often the associated image is: light. Light is a quality of energy, but beyond the spectrum of red color to violet, other energetic bands/forms exist: X-ray, ultraviolet, microwaves, gamma rays, cosmic rays, radio, and TV transmission, etc.
Also, everybody is aware that we have a backbone in our body, and we know that inside is the spinal cord (the medulla oblongata), a long, very flexible neuronal cord that allows all the signals from the central brain to reach the totality of the body. It also transports information to the brain from the cells of the physical body. We can picture this as a superhighway where different cars run up and down with specific signals to communicate at special points of the neurons, glias and other brain cells. This central avenue of the physical body is crucial for accomplishing all the movements and tasks of which human beings are capable.
Every person can know the flexibility of the spinal cord and how it allows us multiple styles of movements, postures, and efficient communications.
When we pay attention, we can feel deep within us that structure (the spinal cord-backbone), which sustains our life. It is abundant in light and warmth, with the flow of information moving freely, and it also gives space for two other subtle energetic formations.
From oriental medicine we know that human beings have meridians (rivers of energies). In the core of the medulla (nervous system column inside the backbone), the central meridian is alive and working, proportionately interconnecting all the qualities of Chi energy with the Light Human Being presence and with the electromagnetic activity of the physical body.
In addition, nature has another important energetic realm there. That is the anatomy and physiology of the spirit-dimension as chakra connections (dynamic wheels of spinning energy). Oriental wisdom teaches us that the energies of chakras are anchored in the inter-vertebral disks:
- The tail of the backbone relates to the 1st, root chakra, (grounding).
- The space between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum relates to the lower abdomen 2nd chakra, and the Dantien (High Will).
- The lower thoracic spine and the diaphragm relate to the 3rd chakra, the solar plexus.
- The thoracic region and heart relate to the 4th
- The cervical spine and neck relate to the 5th
When we see the deep “dialogue” that our realms have in the space of the backbone, we can understand the value of applying the Axis concepts to make wisdom awareness in our lives. However, it is when we start to be aware of and facilitate better communication between the dimensions (body, minds, and energies) that our highest potentials become available to us.
The postural presence of the Axis can be easily practiced in ourselves in every moment of our lives. We can engage in a symbolic postural form of a “three-leg” stance with the presence of our axis as an inner attitude of self-nourishment, in a way that does not disturb others.
Axis as three Forces
Axis is a grounding force connecting us to the core in the center of the Earth while in a three-legged position. The axis gives stability, balance and allows us to nourish and forgive our self and others. Center yourself in this Axis with the perception of light, flexibility, and warmth.
The Axis as an analogy is comprised of the 3 Forces – Light, Life, and Movement, which are aspects of the Universal Interaction. In Quantum physics, these correlate to the three aspects of the universe: matter and dark matter = antimatter and dark energy = pristine soup. For ancient wisdom, these three are called Universal Interactions, and are used by humanity in many religions.
Life and Light manifest in the human body in the form of warmth and give us compassion for all life forms and for nature. They are our source of wisdom. The third Force, Movement, bestows flexibility and the capacity to change in accordance with our higher ideals.
The existence of universal interaction shows us that everything is One (paradox: Totality -Singularity). The entire spectrum of our interactions with all forms of life, nature, and the universe are opportunities for us to learn. Also, this level of wisdom reveals our life lessons and opens new possibilities.
The HIKE4evolution system teaches you how to perceive your Axis from a tangible/material reality. What makes that feel so unique and individual is your sensory integration approach, your personal inner path of color, smell, taste, sound, texture and so on. Also, that common sense language of integrated neuron pathways (synesthetic sensory integration) plus your focused intention to build your self-core allows the subtle realms to align and become aware within you in your daily life.
The Axis is a paradox in the context of linear thinking, because it has a complex energetic physiology—with multiple roles.
Now is the time to start building your personal Axis:
Get comfortable, be still, and become aware of your body and your breath. Go deep within yourself, allowing soft and gentle breathing to expand your belly.
Relax your shoulders, allowing your jaw to hang. Your eyes can be softly closed or looking down, without focusing your mind on anything.
Feel your feet on the floor and relax them.
Feel the energy and warmth flowing through your body calmly, but firmly have the sensation of being with the energy and warmth. You are in contact with the earth; this is our home, and it is nourishing you. The energy of the earth is growing in you, and it is giving peace and silence to your mind.
Now you are ready to sustain calm, deep breathing, focusing your attention on that part of your physical body called your backbone. Perceive each bone; notice how, by working together, they are the artificers of this miracle that is you, capable of moving, walking, swimming … so many wonderful tasks that you can do. Say ‘thank you’ to them.
Also perceive warmth; there is plenty of blood circulating, alive, extraordinarily strong with life force.
What kinds of secrets do these bones have?
Every bone is articulate; thank your flexible disks. They work in harmony, as a team helping each other. Together they make you flexible, efficient, safe, and happy.
Feeling the healthy relationships inside of you allows an emotion of joyful self-acceptance. Yes, your physical body is a living system of parts that work as a team, not in competition. They know the rule of inner natural wisdom: “win-win.” Helping each other makes life easy and healthy.
Now it is time for a deeper perception:
Maintain your calm, slow breathing, and open your awareness to the flow of the air in your lungs and the movement of your belly. You are in contact with the atmosphere. We are complex beings where the oxygen and other elements in the air help us to be alive.
When cells need oxygen, blood provides it, and each aspect of us sustains its individual kind of work. Just as an orchestra, having many different instruments, makes the music of a symphony –each of us is a unique living symphony because all the participants are in harmony.
That is the best analogy of your backbone, all the participants making music together—the electrical signals in the medulla going and coming back at the highest speed. It is ‘Light’ circulating in a warm and flexible environment —where your subtle energies are in tune, increasing the joy of being alive.
Now see in your mind’s eye, build in your thoughts this unique path. Perceive the presence of all the aspects that are integrated there. In your own personal way, with your words, be thankful with your entire anatomical and physiological presences.
Remember, integrating the functions of our senses is the fastest way to interrelate areas of the brain with all the other realms.
Now it is time to integrate the senses in building your Axis:
With the development of synesthetic sensory integration, internal connections are made among the sensory areas of the brain. Emphasis is placed on experiencing joy, because this creates balance among the neurotransmitters responsible for communication in the nervous system. Positive memories, like a sanctuary in nature, provide the sensation of being in a safe place, which allows calm, self-acceptance and loving feelings which support self-growth. This experience is enriched with sensing deep inner meanings through multi-sensory information.
While paying special attention to the breath, count during exhalation, maybe from 1 to 7 (use your personal rhythm), however, remember exhalation is soft and longer than inhalation for most people that intend inner calm. This practice is demonstrated in many locations throughout the world. Repeat for three sequences. Develop a “circuit of light” breath coming in through the nostrils, going down inside the front of the body, energizing the Dantien. While exhaling, move energy up the back part of the body along the backbone.
- See your favorite color(s).
- Remember things that make you feel happy.
- Find the most gorgeous aroma that really energizes you – smell that.
- Bring the memory of a taste that you most enjoy (maybe delicate or strong) – taste that.
- Hear and encompass all these with music that makes your spirit-being soar.
- Discover the texture of joy beyond any limits – touch that.
You are free and totally safe here – now!
All these creations are You, your Axis.
These are your best integrating aspects. Please enjoy them!
The three-leg stance is the foundational position for all other exercises in this system. By using this posture, we are allowing energy to move more freely throughout the body, and we are moving towards a greater sense of awareness. This reinforces our ability to “stand on our own” and reduce the influence of outside pressures.
You are learning to find the optimal and most efficient position for your body so you may handle the stresses of daily life efficiently. We can use this posture with the awareness of the flow of breath to transform daily life by anchoring and recharging ourselves in the energy of the earth.
Picture an equilateral triangle on the floor. Connecting your body with this triangle, each foot connected to one point and the feeling of AXIS connected to the third point. This acts as a symbol and a guideline to give you a perception of being connected with or grounded in the floor. This connection will also help you perceive where your physical center is, where your balance is. This provides you with stability and the ability to derive more and better vitality. Notice what you perceive.
Throughout the day, remember to use this position every time you are standing, (Waiting in line or for the elevator, talking with someone, etc.). As you incorporate this position into the way you carry yourself, notice how you are in your body. Notice if you can pay more attention to how you are aware, to what others are saying to you, and to the environment around you. Enjoy a feeling of expanded receptivity and heightened awareness.
Safe Place
Nothing seems to be more powerful than “safe place” as the point where any human can reach a center of inner peace, regardless of culture and circumstances present. The exact location in the physical body (area of the axis) is important for each person to allow and find, freely.
There will be many different reasons for someone to take abdominal areas and others the retro-sternum areas. There is not a conflict in this nor a need to explain why. Some factors that affect this selection are:
— quality of the dominant energy in the layers of the body electromagnetic cocoon – morphologic field
— placement of assemblage points from past experiences
— previous wisdom practices
Also, the safe place can move up from its original space (I see very few move-down). This relates to modifications of the electro-chemistry of the field (change of the proportion of energies in phi ratio, is the most common possible cause).
Utilization of a place of safety allows for the growth of healthy chemistry, of soft, warm love and self-acceptance. One needs to seek positive memories, such as a nature path of beauty, to enliven metabolic changes. The integrative process of synesthetic perception is enhanced by feelings of joy. Do not forget, it is this inner sense of joy and awe that induces and improves the healthy balance in the production of neurotransmitters/ neural modulators.
In this practice you create a safe, beautiful, peaceful place in which to be a human being. Building a fantastically safe place is an old technique of the ancient wisdom teachings. It allows one to reach an inner point of balance and presence, while overcoming the distresses of externally difficult environments. For example, if a safe internal space is permitted to flourish, even if you were to be locked up as a prisoner of war, survival is likely when taking refuge in this peaceful center (as with Nelson Mandela, humans that have been tortured, and as shown in research with holocaust prisoners).
This unique space contains the entire spectrum of what you want. It also has four doors, one in each cardinal point (North, South, East and West) that in other levels we will learn where and why they are connected.
Request that your body equalize both hands at the same warm temperature. Center yourself in your Axis. Invite the qualities of warmth, flexibility, and light. Allow your legs to root deeply into the core of the land.
Safe place is not located outside of self; it is not related to time or space. No person or thing can touch that center. It is yours alone. There is no right or wrong in this space. All the best that can possibly be imagined is found there – creativity, inner joy, and the full expression of your senses, which are the tools for building this inner reality.
It is a perfect space, A-dimensional, A-temporal. At this level you can understand that this is the door between dimensions (your personal singularity). Only from this key point in us are we capable, with humor, to accomplish the “impossible mission” of going “where no one has gone before…” the unknown.
This is an ongoing, constant presence in daily life.